1994 Ford Fuckin Ranger (POS Edition)





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absolutely nothing tasteful

Build story

this is my absolute hot rod of a 1994 Ford Ranger. this financial mistake found its way into my driveway around April of 2020 in one color and fully functional. now it's slightly weight reduced and looks like a pride flag. anyways, this absolute machine is your typical Pennsylvanian ranger, severe rust, extremely dry rotted tires, an exhaust being held up with shitty AutoZone $8 universal exhaust hangers and drywall screws, door handles that are looser than Elton John, copper brake lines, (where it has them) completely rotted out leaf shackles, a non-functional third brake light, four or five layers of scaling on every steel piece, 10 hole universal shitty bullet hole steel rims, some minty stickers, and a lot of hope and prayers. this machine is powered by the OHV 4.0 that once produced about 160 bald eagles, probably making about 70.86% of that now but she still sends. it's a shitty autotragic but thats fine too. currently in the state of somewhat restoring it but also having fun with it just the way it is. with all this aside, say hello to my 1994 Ford Ranger, Gregorny.


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